A Message from Principal Anderson
Dear Washington Families:
Welcome to Washington's 2024-2025 school year! Our teachers and support staff are dedicated, caring professionals who take a personal interest in every child and strive to meet their academic and social/emotional needs. As you walk our halls and visit our classrooms, you'll find an exceptional environment of culturally and linguistically diverse learners. With 30 languages spoken here, we truly celebrate that diversity!
Learning goes beyond academic boundaries at Washington. Our students are well-versed in the "Washington Ways" and assist one another in ensuring that everyone is respectful, responsible, peaceful, and safe. They also have opportunities to participate in the community - form our intergenerational partnership with Belmont Village Senior Living and work with Feed My Starving Children to fund raising for Autism Speaks.
We are fortunate to have supportive parents who care about their children’s education and we welcome parent participation at school. Our PTO meets the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the Library Media Center, and all families are invited to attend.
At Washington School, we're committed to collaborating with families and community - because we recognize that together we can make a difference in the lives of the children here. We look forward to your support and encourage your participation in any way possible. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I may be of assistance.
Your Partner in Education,
Kate Anderson
About Principal Anderson
Principal of Washington School since 2016, Ms. Anderson has a long history with District 63, where she worked from 2008-2013 before moving on to serve as Associate Principal of Student Services at Northshore District 112 in Highland Park. She began her career teaching kindergarten at St. Colette School in Rolling Meadows – and joined District 63 in 2008 as a special education/autism teacher at Washington.
During Ms. Anderson’s time at District 63, she also served as a Behavior Development Coach, Substitute Principal for both Melzer and Mark Twain Schools, and Principal for the District’s Summer School.
Principal Anderson holds a B.A. in elementary education from Wisconsin's Saint Norbert College and an M.A. in school leadership from Concordia University.